Written by Debbie Meece

There is none over You!

As Christians we believe that God is Lord of all, but on a daily basis we don’t always live our lives consistent with that belief.  Why do we find it so hard to dwell in the shelter of Christ even though we know He is our only true refuge?  Why are we tempted to put worldly goals above our pursuit of godliness?

In a very real sense, each of us comes from a family that disappoints us at some level or another.  This is because of the subtle nature of sin and the way it permeates our world.  We were made by God for perfect unions but our lives are filled with flawed relationships. When trust has been violated by someone close to us-either as a child or as an adult-we build invisible walls around our hearts in a vain attempt to not hurt again.  Just as we wall-out pain, so do we wall-out love.

We struggle with insecurity, inadequacy and the longing for someone to love us unconditionally.  Sometimes when we feel that we’ve tried our best or done all that we can do, we question God in a Job-like manner, thinking we deserve an audience with the Almighty.  Desperately we demand that God explain Himself and show us His blueprint for our lives.  In our pain we yearn to have Jesus come down from the heavens and sit with us face to face so that we might ask the questions that haunt us.

As we struggle with failure we grasp for areas where we feel successful, competent and in control.  As we seize command of our lives the deceiving balm of security temporarily soothes our pain and anxiety.  We drift further and further from God as we seek to ease the ache in our souls via self-centered efforts.  The more control that we claim, the less is our faith in God. Without realizing it, we put “feeling better” above our pursuit of God.  Consequently, these areas of control become the idols that we place above our relationship with the Lord.

In the midst of tough times we often doubt God, insisting that He prove Himself before we trust Him.  Aren’t we supposed to believe God is with us no matter what the trial?  It is comforting to be reminded that everything that happens to us must first pass by God.  He knows our needs at all times.  Though we may feel deserted and alone at times, He never deserts us.  All that concerns us concerns God.  No matter how dark the night or how desperate the circumstance we are never alone.  Our weakness needs His strength and our safety lies in letting Him fight our battles for us.  All He asks is that we trust Him in childlike faith.  But how do we do that?

Faith is like walking in the dark with God -we want to see; He wants us to trust. We pray for more faith but often what we ask is to understand where God is leading.  We forget that faith is more than mustering our strength and insisting that a certain request be granted.  Faith is standing firmly on the promise that God will not forsake us.  He wants to clasp our hand, if we will let Him and allow Him to lead in light and in darkness, in good times and in turmoil.  He wants us to trust Him to chart the best path for us to follow.  We think that seeing is believing; He wants us to know that by believing we will see.

Many of us need to change our view of God.  Instead of using God to solve our problems, we should use our problems as vehicles by which to know God.  Then, as we move with God through the issues in our lives, resting in His almighty shadow, we begin to understand more fully that under His sheltering hand is the only safe place to stay.

There is none over You, God.  You’re the Great King, the One God, the Lord of us all. Your grace is sufficient.

Lord, I am reminded that everything that happens to me must first pass by You.  I don’t understand all that transpires and at times I wonder why You allow things, such as ______________to happen. My tendency is to demand answers from You instead of resting on the promise that You work all things for good for those who trust You.  It is hard to believe that You hear my prayers when I feel so misunderstood by those who profess to love me in this fallen world.  But, even so, Lord I believe in Your power and I faithfully turn____________________over to You. I remind myself that all that concerns me concerns You. I must learn to let You fight my battles for me. You’re the Great King, the Lord of us all. There is none over You!

Once In A LifetimeWritten in conjunction with David’s “Once in a Lifetime” CD
From the “Once in a Lifetime” Devotional